Mentoring & Coaching Your Team

Lead Your Team to Success with Weekly Mentoring & Coaching

Looking to lead a large doTERRA team? Begin now by mentoring your business builders on a weekly basis.  Not sure what that looks like, or what you would say or do?  Listen to this training webinar about the importance of mentoring, and then scroll down this post to find several forms you might select from to work together to encourage success and actions each week.  Remember, everything you do will be DUPLICATED by your downline time.

Commit to a scheduled appointment.  Be on time. Be prepared. Be supportive and enthusiastic and continue learning how to become a better COACH for your leaders as your business grows.


The Weekly Check In Form includes areas where someone you are mentoring can type in their answers vs handwriting a form and the photo/text process.  See if this meets your needs when you download a copy —easy to attach to an email.

Weekly Check-In Form


This simple Mentoring Call Form is another approach some teams use to shape their weekly mentoring calls and conversations.  Download a copy and see if this might work for you and your leaders.

Mentoring Call Form


The attached Weekly Checkin form from is yet another option that gives you a great structure for those you mentor to fill in weekly, snap a photo and text to you before your call.  Download the attached PDF and take a look at this option as well.




This form is a great outline for occasional calls with builders in your downline.
